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čtvrtek 19. dubna


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  • Nebraska SVU Conference: Czech and Slovak Legacy in the Americas Děti Země hlásí:
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  • Nebraska SVU Conference

    Czech and Slovak Legacy in the Americas: Preservation of Heritage with the Accent on Youth

    University of Nebraska, Lincoln, August 1-3, 2001

    You are cordially invited to participate in the special North American Conference, organized jointly by the Czechoslovak Society of Arts and Sciences (SVU) and the University of Nebraska, 1-3 August, 2001.

    Our enthusiastic Nebraska organizers, especially Cathy Oslzly, Mila Saskova-Pierce and R. Thomas Zumpfe have outdone themselves in making the conference into an extraordinary event. Some 100 scholars and popular speakers will offer papers in twenty or so separate sessions, exploring the Czech and Slovak Legacy in the Americas with the focus on preserving their heritage and the accent on youth. Topics include history of immigration; assimilation and acculturation; language; the role of major ethnic organizations in preserving our heritage; future and role of young people; contributions of Czech and Slovak settlers and their descendants; historical sites and monuments; archival and library holdings; cooperation with Czech and Slovak Republics; etc. Persons interested in presenting papers may still do so but need to act fast.

    Between sessions the participants will have the opportunity to view the exhibits and collections of special family memorabilia, art, and unique archival material that will be on display. Bring along your accordion for a  special Jam Session to be held one afternoon or bring a poem you have written to share at a poetry reading. You will have the opportunity to meet meet the leading scholars and community leaders from all parts of the US and Canada, as well as distinguished visitors from the Czech and Slovak Republics, including the ambassadors and other dignitaries from here as well as from abroad.

    An authentic Czech meal will be featured on Thursday evening, followed by a  polka dance, so bring along your dancing shoes! There will also be a banquet the final evening. On-campus housing will be provided by the University of Nebraska's new Kauffman Honors Hall. Kauffman Hall offers suites with private bathrooms as well as some other amenities not present in traditional residence halls.

    The SVU conference is held in conjunction with the 40th annual Czech Festival in Wilber, Nebraska - Czech Capital of Nebraska and USA - which will follow on August 3-5. During this Czech Festival the 15th annual Miss Czech-Slovak USA Pageant will be held wherein around 20 states will be represented by young ladies of Czech and Slovak descent. The theme of the Czech Festival in 200l is "Youthful Czechs" in recognition of the past Nebraskan ‘Czechs of Wilber' chapter queens. The current reigning national queen is Karina Molacek of Nebraska . The Miss Czech-Slovak USA Pageant which began began in 1987, is held two nights during the festival. It is a very colorful, exciting and entertaining ethnic pageant involving very special and proud Czech and Slovak girls who, over these past 14 pageants, have gone out into society as youth ambassadors.

    I urge all SVU members and other interested people to take advantage of the excellent program and the various amenities our Nebraska Conference offers and come with us to Lincoln in large numbers. Combine it with a vacation and your entire family will have a splendid time.

    Mila Rechcigl

    SVU President

    Information about housing was reported in January issue of our Newsletter. you can also find it on SVU Website:
    www.svu2000. If you have questions, contact Cathy Oslzly on:
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