Nový americký fond pro nápadité stránky na Internetu
Vznikl nový fond, jehož cílem je podporovat rozvoj inovativních stránek na Internetu. Sponsoruje ho WebLab ve spolupráci s PBS ONLINE. Fond bude financovat nezávislé projekty, které slibují poskytovat novou perspektivu na složité otázky.
Informace o tomto novém Web Development Fund jsou k dispozici na adrese Žádosti nutno podat do 2. listopadu 1997. Granty budou 25 000 dolarů nebo méně, ale ve výjimečně dobrých případech mohou být až 50 000 dolarů.
There is a new fund to encourage innovative content development for the World Wide Web. Sponsored by WebLab in association with PBS ONLINE, the fund will underwrite independent projects that promise to seek fresh perspectives on complex issues.
Guidelines for the new initiative, called the Web Development Fund, are available online at: with a November 2, 1997 deadline for proposals. The fund will seek proposals for projects that make imaginative use of the Web and its capabilities as an interactive, participatory medium to explore both personal and public issues in new ways.
Proposals will be welcomed from seasoned Web designers and developers who have project ideas that they ve always wanted to do; from individuals who have a compelling idea but have no experience in Web design; and from everyone in between. In the first round, the WDF will provide selected projects with funds, guidance, technical support, and design services (if needed). PBS ONLINE will host WDF-supported projects; audio and video streaming, threaded discussions and a variety of other licensed technologies will be available. Support will average $25,000 or less but may run as high as $50,000 in cash and services for particularly exciting projects.
And check out an article about us in today's Cybertimes:
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Suzanne A. Seggerman WebLab
Max Cacas / e-mail: Online Editor / The Freedom Forum & The Newseum / Arlington, Va./ USA Web sites:
"The future is invented...not predicted." - Dr. David Clark, MIT