The Case of the Missing Search Engine
Last year while writing my MPhil thesis, I had to read thousands of article s from the Czech press. I was greatly helped by a search engine located at
This search engine was a fantastic resource for someone studying recent events in the Czech Republic. It allowed the user to choose dates, individual newspapers, authors and subject matter in searches of the Czech print media.
A few months ago this fantastic search engine disappeared, but a notice appeared which promised that even better things were on the way. Now that address returns only an error and a half page of information in English. Efforts to delve further only return a message demanding a password.
Without this search engine, my work would have been impossible, and I only shrug my shoulders now, when students here in London what search engine works best for retrieving articles from the Czech Internet. "Zmije", "Seznam" and "Kompas" are not as advanced as the old "fultextove vyhledavani".
Can anyone tell me what happened to this search engine? Must one now pay for that which was free last year? Has it been moved to another address? Has it simply been wiped?