úterý 17. března



  • Přehled aktuálních zpráv z České republiky: ODS:
  • Nadále je loajální vůči Klausovi (Andrew Stroehlein)
  • Remaining loyal to Klaus (Andrew Stroehlein) Rozšiřování EU a střední Evropa:
  • Západoevropští zemědělci se obávají zničení, v důsledku rozšiřování Evropské unie (Sunday Times)
  • Dánsko, cizinci a kupování nemovitostí (Matthias Roeser) POLEMIKY:

    Dvojí ceny:

  • Dvojí ceny: Jak jsem si vydělal dvacku (Jiří Jírovec) Rozšiřování NATO:
  • O krysách a lidech (Jaroslav Teplý) Stroehlein - Storck o "kmenovém" státě:
  • Kruh se uzavřel. Poznámky, adresované Stroehleinově Odpovědi mně (Christopher Storck)
  • Closing the Circle. Remarks to Andrew Stroehlein's Reply to Me (Christopher Storck)
  • Tak ještě jednou (Andrew Stroehlein)
  • Once more from the top (Andrew Stroehlein)
  • Andrew Stroehlein, Terminátor Mýtů. Poslední verze (Christopher Storck)
  • Andrew Stroehlein, Terminator of Myths. Final Cut (Christopher Storck)
  • Je to nudné (Andrew Stroehlein)
  • This is getting dull, but the editor insists (Andrew Stroehlein)

    Ikona pro Vaši stránku...

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  • Once more from the top

    Andrew Stroehlein

    To say that a society has a problem with racism is NOT the same as saying that it is a racist society. These are quite different statements.

    Again, I never said Germany was the only EU country with a racism problem, nor did I say it was the worst in Europe on the matter. That was actually the point of the article.

    How can anyone claim that Germany did not re-enforce the idea of nation after the war? Are all those books and debates about the national guilt just a mirage?

    All your words, Mr Storck, keep proving my thesis that you and millions like you were told that you were supposed to bear guilt for something you did not do simply because you supposedly belong to the same "tribe" as the guilty. The fact that you do not accept this pabulum is to your credit, but I cannot understand why you won't recognise that I agree with you!

    The last point I wish to make on this subject:

    How can I be "anti-German" or "anti-Czech" when I don't even believe in the existence of such tribes in the first place? If you must give me a label try "anti-mythology".

    Andrew Stroehlein

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