úterý 17. března



  • Přehled aktuálních zpráv z České republiky: ODS:
  • Nadále je loajální vůči Klausovi (Andrew Stroehlein)
  • Remaining loyal to Klaus (Andrew Stroehlein) Rozšiřování EU a střední Evropa:
  • Západoevropští zemědělci se obávají zničení, v důsledku rozšiřování Evropské unie (Sunday Times)
  • Dánsko, cizinci a kupování nemovitostí (Matthias Roeser) POLEMIKY:

    Dvojí ceny:

  • Dvojí ceny: Jak jsem si vydělal dvacku (Jiří Jírovec) Rozšiřování NATO:
  • O krysách a lidech (Jaroslav Teplý) Stroehlein - Storck o "kmenovém" státě:
  • Kruh se uzavřel. Poznámky, adresované Stroehleinově Odpovědi mně (Christopher Storck)
  • Closing the Circle. Remarks to Andrew Stroehlein's Reply to Me (Christopher Storck)
  • Tak ještě jednou (Andrew Stroehlein)
  • Once more from the top (Andrew Stroehlein)
  • Andrew Stroehlein, Terminátor Mýtů. Poslední verze (Christopher Storck)
  • Andrew Stroehlein, Terminator of Myths. Final Cut (Christopher Storck)
  • Je to nudné (Andrew Stroehlein)
  • This is getting dull, but the editor insists (Andrew Stroehlein)

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  • Andrew Stroehlein, Terminator of Myths. Final Cut

    Christopher P. Storck

    Firstly, Andrew Stroehlein claims for himself the role of the post-modern Nietzsche. But, unfortunately, he does not have the intellectual capacity nor the knowledge which is required to fulfill this mission.

    Secondly, he obviously does not know the meanest thing about the theory of communication, not being able to see the implicit parts of his message.

    Thirdly, Stroehlein's rhetoric is as elevated as the one of Milos Zeman. If he wants to get by in the scientific community he should stop to use phrases like "all those books and debates about the national guilt". It is far more serious to name some titles. But I hold the opinion that our Terminator of myths does not know very much about these discourses.

    Finally, Mr. Stroehlein, let me state one thing again openly, because it appears to me that you are not able to notice irony and careful hints: It does not matter to me, whether you agree with me or not. I only sent my reaction to your tribalist excursus to Britske listy, because I consider your way of using stereotypes to be dangerous and wanted to put against it some impulses for others to think different. Having read a lot of your stuff I never had much hope that it might be able to discuss with you academically.

    You will probably post an answer to that again, but for my part, this argument will stop right now. I do not like never ending fruitless debates.

    Christopher P. Storck

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